Calibre Dual Remote Radar with Pods (Bluetooth)

New technology, inside and out.
Dual Wireless Radar Receivers. CALIBRE’s exclusive, patented design mounts separate wireless radar receivers behind the front grill and rear bumper ~ strategically positioned for the fastest capture of radar signals. Distinct verbal or tone and visual alerts let you know exactly when and where to look for police.
With it's wireless & Datadyne technologies CALIBRE is simply the most powerful radar & laser protection system you can buy.
At the touch of a button.
CALIBRE is also the only system you control with a hand-held remote, about the size of a key fob. And it's just as easy to use. With no permanently installed buttons to clutter your interior or to fuss with, you just click to select these modes: On/Off, City/Highway, Voice/Tone and Volume/Mute, then put your Wireless OneTouch™ Remote Control away until you want to change preferences.
Datadyne Technology™. Not satisfied with earlier capabilities, we completely redesigned our computer- controlled superheterodyne radar receivers. Now you get a significant increase in sensitivity and consistency to all police radar frequencies, especially the newer DSP Ka band radar guns (the most significant threat to motorists today).
Total Radar Protection
CALIBRE detects all FCC allocated police frequencies including X, K and Ka Superwide. Also, VG-2 Stealth Guard™ passively and actively conceals your system from a police VG-2 Gun (radar detector detector).
With the optional Laser Defuser® EX or EX2 you’ll deactivate police laser capability by emitting a powerful infrared signal back to the gun at a pulse rate the gun can’t understand. It actually deactivates the ability of the laser gun to measure speed, while you receive audio & visual warnings that give you the precious time you need to react and reduce your speed.